Fly, Penguin!

I blog so I don't forget.

Install infinality fonts bundle in arch

1 minute read

Installing custom repos in Arch is kind of annoying. But here’s how it goes (especially if you’re behding a firewall which permits only ports 80, 443 and 22):

First. Switch the keyserver to a HTTP based one. To do this:

  1. edit /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/gnupg.conf
  2. replace “keyserver hkp://…” with “keyserver hkp://”

Second. Get the key ID for the repo (in my case from the wiki):

  • KEY ID is “962DDE58”

Third. Download key from keyserver and sign it locally:

  • pacman-key -r 962DDE58
  • pacman-key -lsign-key 962DDE58

Fourth. Add the repository to the pacman.conf file:

  • “vim /etc/pacman.conf”
  • add the lines from here

Fifth. Update the repos

  • pacman -Sy

Sixth. Install the f*** bundle:

  • pacman -S infinality-bundle

That’s it 🙂